Make Your Hard Work Pay Off

A salesperson in Adelaide was doing it tough. For two years he struggled and could barely make enough to cover his bills.

I admired him for persevering but secretly wondered how long he would last before he pursued another career.

But something changed. I spoke with him earlier today and he sounded like a new man. What was he doing differently?

He said, “I’m not working with people who waste my time. I’m busy and if they want to sell, I’ll work with them. If they want to argue and tell me that another agent said the property is worth $50,000 more, I’ll kindly suggest they list with the other agent.”

His results for the last few months improved from 0-1 sale per month to 3 sales per month. He’s held that for the last two months and the month I spoke to him was shaping up well too. He was making his hard work pay off.

This attitude didn’t just boost his results and income. It boosted his self-esteem and his feeling of worth. Don’t underestimate the importance of this.

By regarding himself differently, as a sales professional whose advice should be heeded, and by refusing to work with stubborn people who refuse to listen to common sense, his demeanor changed. He thought like a professional, he believed he was a professional, and he acted that way.

When he acted like a professional, he saw the results that professionals get.

Real estate sales is difficult enough without working with overly difficult people. Do you have clients that refuse to follow sound advice? Why are you working with them?

If you want your hard work to pay off, stop working with stubborn know-alls and find people who are happy to be guided through the selling process. There are plenty out there if you look for them. By look, I mean prospect for them.

Do you know why most salespeople continue working with the wrong people? They are DESPERATE.

Why do you think they’re desperate.?

Because their prospect pipelines are EMPTY.

If you won’t actively search for the right people, you are doomed to work with the wrong ones. You will be frustrated, and your results will be low.

You’re better than that.

Make your hard work pay off. Find the right people and work with them. Leave the wrong ones to your desperate competitors.

- Gary Pittard


Prospecting In Bite-Sized Chunks

